Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

Wiesel stands in front of enlarged image he falsely claims to be himself in a Buchenwald barrack.
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What does it take to light a fire under the guardians of the fixed “Holocaust” narrative and their major champion survivor, the “Holocaust High Priest” Elie Wiesel? If anything can do it, it will be Warren B. Routledge’s just released, almost 500 page book titled, HOLOCAUST HIGH PRIEST: Elie Wiesel, Night, The Memory Cult, and The Rise of Revisionism.

New book by Warren B. Routledge, now available at Amazon for only $26.91
In this book, Routledge shatters the myths surrounding Wiesel that are not allowed to be questioned in the mainstream media. Herein the familiar “Holocaust” narrative is protected as the crown jewel of the New World Order regime that was put in place after 1945 by the victors of World War II.
But among all the revelations that occur throughout the book – and there are many, many – none is more shattering to Elie Wiesel’s image than the author’s belief that he was NOT an eyewitness to the “Holocaust” at all. Wow! How to get that across to the American and world public?
There is an important Appendix at the end of the book which contains an essay by Italian revisionist Carlo Mattogno, translated into English as “Elie Wiesel – The “Symbol of the Shoah.” Following that are the important documents and some photographs that show the reader WHY Elie Wiesel was NOT in the Auschwitz-Monowitz or Buchenwald camps. These documents can also be viewed here on Elie Wiesel Cons The World by clicking on “The Evidence” on the top menu bar.
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Saturday, April 25th, 2015
By Carolyn Yeager

We finally have it and you can finally read it. Now only $29.95 at Amazon. enlarge image
There is no one more famously connected to “The Holocaust” than Elie Wiesel. No one whose association with “The Holocaust” does more to keep its believability alive in the minds of millions, even hundreds of millions, of people worldwide. When it comes to “The Holocaust,” he’s the man!
And now comes a lavishly illustrated, unauthorized biography by Warren B. Routledge, who has been studying Wiesel the Myth and Wiesel the Man for many years. This one is not like those “conformist” (as Routledge calls them) bios that we’re so sick of being presented with. This one tells all the truth that he is capable of gathering at this time.
But will you learn anything in this book you don’t already know from reading the website you are now on for free? Yes! Because I have already learned things from just the first four chapters, mainly about the time that’s been most shrouded from view – Wiesel’s ten years in France between 1945 and 1955. In addition, the author Routledge, by using his critical thinking and deep knowledge of French culture, puts the puzzle pieces together in a way that adds greater understanding, even in areas where we don’t have exact knowledge of Wiesel’s actions or motives.
I’m naturally pleased to report that I am mentioned five times in the book – most especially encouraging was the author’s reference to me in his Introduction on page 18:
With regard to Elie Wiesel, Carolyn Yeager’s blog site, “Elie Wiesel Cons the World,” has played an enormous role in recent years by bringing to light a great deal of valuable information about Wiesel. I hope that her work, and that of other revisionists, will continue to flourish.
Even though I have not yet completed the book, I didn’t want to wait until I had carefully read it’s entirety before announcing it here on Elie Wiesel Cons The World. (Don’t want to be falling behind the pack!) I have poked ahead though, to find out whether Routledge might have concluded that Wiesel was not an inmate of either Auschwitz or Buchenwald, as I have gone out on a limb (in most people’s view) and stated here on “Elie Wiesel Cons The World.” While I know already that Routledge has presented a great deal of evidence that suggests Wiesel was not, in the end he is not willing to conclude as much. *see comment #2 below
He does, though, end with a short chapter titled “Conclusion: What Is Needed To Happen Now” in which his eighth and final point is that Elie Wiesel should allow the public to see whether he has a tattoo on one of his arms showing his Auschwitz registration number, OR provide a comprehensible (lol) explanation why not. In this, Warren B. Routledge is clearly in agreement with Carolyn Yeager and EWCTW.
Much to my delight, I will be interviewing Warren Routledge on The Heretics’ Hour on Monday, May 11. I may get into the issue of Wiesel being a complete fraud vs only a partial fraud then. In any case, I’ll be writing more about Wiesel here on this website based on the contents of this book. And may even be fortunate enough to have some follow-up programs with Mr. Routledge. So buy the book and start reading. You won’t be disappointed, of that I’m sure. He’s a very good writer, with a gift for organizing his vast knowledge of all things Wiesel in a way that’s easy to follow, without leaving anything out. ~
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