Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) listens to Elie Wiesel at a Senate roundtable discussion last year. Cruz said the nuclear talks with Iran were reminiscent of Western appeasement of Hitler. (Say again??)
By Carolyn Yeager
Currently running for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, Cruz spoke on Monday, March 21 to the annual American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, Washington’s largest lobbying group and an unregistered agent of the Israeli government in the U.S.
His words were described as being those he has spoken many times before, but naturally what stood out to me was what he said about Elie Wiesel. At 13:40 into his speech he said:
A year ago, I was honored to join the great Elie Wiesel on a panel discussion in the Senate about this disastrous Iranian deal. Not a single democrat was willing to join Elie Wiesel … to sit alongside someone who witnessed first hand the horrors of the “Holocaust,” who brings a moral weight and gravity second to none, was both powerful and humbling. And I am convinced, after this election, the American people will stand and say together “Never Again” means never again.
On my very first day in office I will begin the process of moving the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the once and eternal capital of Israel.
Does Texas senator Ted Cruz know anything at all about what is called the “Holocaust?” Does he know anything at all about Elie Wiesel’s life? No, to both. I am sure he has never read a single book by Elie Wiesel, yet he calls him “the great” based on the fact that Wiesel was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by the same ignorant Congress of which he is a part. This man Cruz is a complete panderer who accepts whatever the Jewish power structure says and bows low hoping to be selected to do its bidding.
And what does he mean by “After this election, the American people will say “Never Again” means never again.” Does he mean the “Holocaust” will be more dominating than ever? And Jews will be protected like never before? Just the direction we should not go in.
Cruz goes on to say at 15:08:
And as president, I will do everything in my power to ensure that anyone who provides financial support to the BDS movement, including schools and universities, will lose any access to federal funding. And to the extent they have engaged in any illegal behavior, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – a global campaign to increase pressure on Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian land. Israel is clearly the immoral party in this situation, yet Cruz cares not for morality, even as he holds himself up as an evangelical Christian following the teachings of his Cuban father’s rather extreme Christian cult. In reality, Cruz is an Old Testament Christian – in other words, a Jew. A man who feels honored to sit next to one of the most obnoxious liars of the 20th Century (and into the 21st), Elie Wiesel, author of the entirely false testimony, Night.
For these reasons, I want to make it known that I will never, under any circumstances, vote for Senator Ted Cruz for anything. Should he somehow become the Republican nominee, I will choose not vote, and will sit out the election in disgust.
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Tuesday, October 11th, 2011
By Carolyn Yeager
Elie Wiesel joins Israeli Settlers and Intelligence Chiefs to Celebrate Theft from Palestinians
One of the leading land-grabbers in East Jerusalem is a settler non- governmental organization by the name of Elad. Elad’s goal is to rid Jerusalem of Arabs. One of its tactics has been to have Palestinian homes declared archaeological sites, whereby the homes can be taken over and the owners/residents evicted. It will do so by hook or by crook, says a left-leaning Jewish website Tikun Olam.
Left: Guarded Israeli settlers seize new house in Jerusalem from Palenstinians.
Joining these settlers at their commemoration service on behalf of this enterprise is Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel. Not only that, he’s the chair of Elad’s Advisory Board. Also attending the commemoration as friends of Elad were two former Israeli intelligence chiefs, Shabtai Shavit and Amos Yadlin, and a number of prominent officials.
To Wiesel, anyone who is a friend of Israel is a friend of his.
Another friend is John Hagee. In 2009, after reportedly losing a large sum of money he had invested with Bernie Madoff, Wiesel made a cool half million for one speech to Hagee’s Christians United for Israel (CUFI) benefit. During the celebration of the Feast of the Tabernacles at Hagee’s San Antonio TX mega-church, Wiesel was keynote speaker on the “Night to Honor Israel.” CUFI gave $9 million to Israel charities that night, of which $500,000 went to Wiesel’s Foundation for Humanity.
Wiesel has also joined Alan Dershowitz in sponsoring a Jewish anti-Iran group. In an interview by John Hagee, Wiesel said of Iran’s leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
“… this man is a disgrace to humanity. […] This man is the No. 1 Holocaust denier in the world. This man publicly, repeatedly says that he needs, that he wants nuclear weapons to wipe off the Earth one Jewish state. This man should be arrested and brought to Hague to face the international tribunal and charged with the incitement of crimes against humanity. He does not deserve to be a president of any country. He should never be accepted anywhere as a guest, neither to New York nor to Paris, nor anywhere. He must be a persona non grata all over the world.”
Clearly, Wiesel thinks nations should not be allowed to choose their own leaders. They must be vetted by Israel. If they are not friends of Israel, they should be accused of incitement of crimes against humanity and shunned everywhere. He called the Goldstone Report a “crime against the Jewish people.”
Criticism of Elie Wiesel from the liberal left is growing. However, they tend to put it in this way:
“I’m sorry to say that Wiesel has fallen from the high pedestal on which Jews have placed him. He no longer wears a crown of moral righteousness.”
What they don’t understand is that he never was righteous, and neither are the Jews who call themselves survivors necessarily righteous. Survivors of what? They survived a turbulent period in history the same way millions of others did–by luck, by opportunism, and sometimes by devious means. The Jewish deportations were given the name “The Holocaust” by Wiesel himself, so he says. Meaning, they named their own event to suit themselves. Every Jew who lived within an area of German occupation from 1933-1945, or who felt compelled for whatever reason to move from there to a non-German occupied area is considered a ‘Holocaust survivor.’
Wiesel is an unabashed supporter of Israel. Like John Hagee and Alan Dershowitz, he excuses the excesses of the State of Israel on religious grounds … the religion of Zionism and the religion of the Holocaust.
It’s time for left, liberal Jews to do more than take up the cause of Palestine by criticizing Israel’s violence and brutality. They need to look at the whole, rotten story of King Wiesel – and the rest of the ‘survivors’ he symbolically represents. They can begin that unpleasant task right here at Elie Wiesel Cons The World.
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