Posted on June 12, 2016 at 11:12 pm
History teacher who outed holocaust fraudster Joseph Hirt calls for apology or criminal prosecution

Joseph Hirt points to a number that he had tattooed on his own arm while pretending to be a holocaust survivor at one of the many classrooms in which he has spoken. Hirt was never incarcerated in a concentration camp.
Andrew Reid, the New York public school history teacher who says he “believes in truth” has posted his own account of his very thorough investigation into the tales of holocaust survlievor Joseph Hirt on Scribd. online and it is a bombshell. Reid has done in this instance what the media and the schools continually fail to do before they publish a story or allow someone to speak to their students – scrutinize and vet the extravagant claims of holocaust survivors. Of course, the media doesn’t do that because they know the claims won’t hold up; thus one can only conclude the media is helping to defraud the public on the subject of Holocaust. The schools are doing the same out of laziness and mental incompetence.
On pages 27-29 of his document, Reid lays out his idea that Mr. Hirt should have an opportunity to publicly retract his claims and admit his fraud, ask for forgiveness and cease his involvement in any further public presentations. If Hirt refuses to publicly recant, Reid recommends that law enforcement in both Lancaster County, PA and Lewis County, NY should pursue a criminal investigation. Right on, Mr. Reid! It has been the case ever since 1945 that only one side was punished; it’s about time these surlievors are held to legal account too. If they were, there would be a lot fewer of them.
Also at Scribd. Mr. Reid posted a letter he wrote to Joseph Hirt informing him of the above expectations. In it, he said,:
“If I do not see evidence of such a public repentant response in the near future, I will petition the District Attorneys in Lewis and Lancaster Counties to proceed with a criminal investigation, as much of your activity fits the legal definitions (in both the states of New York and Pennsylvania) of felonies and misdemeanors such as fraud, identity theft, and forgery.”
Well, I think Hirt should be prosecuted whether he recants or not. A crime is a crime, and saying you’re sorry doesn’t get a criminal off the hook in any other field. Why should Holocaust hoaxers get special treatment – or continue to, I should say. I also think his family members should be cited for aiding and abetting his fraud by not speaking up. They’ve known for fifteen years that he was lying in schools and public forums, but said nothing until they were asked by Reid.
Interestingly, Reid wrote at Scribd. that “I am not a Holocaust denier – I believe in truth, and if someone is not telling the truth, I wonder what the lie is covering (the”real” truth.)” We have a lot in common! I believe in truth too, and this site Elie Wiesel Cons The World is “A blog dedicated to finding out the truth about Elie Wiesel’s tattoo,” and other aspects of Wiesel’s testimony. Truth is what we’re after. So I am hopeful Mr. Andrew Reid will continue along this path of investigating holocaust survivors. If he does, he might be in for some unpleasant surprises.
We must get as many people as possible to read the several items that he has posted at Scribd. His main report contains photographs and background material that is not included in the regular news reports which, however, are very scanty – in fact, I do not see any major media outlets reporting on it yet. That says a lot, doesn’t it. It looks like we’ll have to push it into the news.
According to an early local news story, Joseph Hirt has been an active holocaust surliever since at least 2001 when he conducted a 10-week adult night school class about his experiences during the “holocaust.” That led to other speaking engagements and “paved the way for a more intense catharsis: putting pen to paper.” This is a reference to a memoir that he has said he was writing, but obviously with no intention of ever finishing or publishing it. He is smart enough to know it would give him away.

Joseph Hirt speaking to Boyertown High School students in April, 2016. On June 8th, Andrew Reid published the results of his investigation, proving Hirt to be a fraud. No more school talks for him.
He gave as a flimsy reason for remaining silent so long (until 2001) that no one would or could comprehend the horror he had to tell.
“Even today . . . the mere mention of Auschwitz – the name, the word, conjures up images of whippings, of beating, of hunger, of cruelty, of horrible odors and smells, of burnings, of hanging and shootings, of death and destruction,” Hirt writes (in 2006).
Even a friend who became a county court judge continued to believe him. Hirt said that his family is what inspired him to finally speak out. “With two daughters, a son, and six grandchildren, Hirt realized that future generations needed to hear his story.” It’s a fitting irony that today Joseph Hirt has been ostracized by his immediate family and none of his three children will have anything to do with him, according to his nephew. His brother, a retired clinical Psychologist, thinks that Joseph may be delusional and that he actually believes his own stories now.
But no … because his nephew Michael says: “When I confronted him (a couple years ago) he basically claimed that the stories were taken out of context, or that the authors fabricated the stories,” which Michael didn’t believe. However very recently, when reached by phone and asked about Reid’s accusations, Hirt, who lives in the Adamstown area now, stood by his story.
“There’s nothing to defend. I was there and I don’t need to defend it. This is like being forced to defend being raped.”
Hirt has also said he is not Jewish, but is a Polish Christian. However, it is known that he was born to a Jewish family in Poland in 1930, making him 86 years old today, not 90 as he claims. (Another one who can’t tell the truth about his age.)
When it comes to the number Hirt had tattooed on his own arm, 194517, he not only put it in the wrong location on his arm but Reid discovered from Auschwitz-Birkenau records that this number belonged to a man named Kazimierz Sikorski, and it was not assigned until 1944, long after Hirt had “escaped.”
On April 10, 2014, more than 200 students participated in Wilson Southern Middle School’s third annual “Holocaust Hall of Memories.” Joseph Hirt was there, pictured here poisoning the minds of 6th grade girls Samantha Godal, 11, and Jaylinn Maurer, 12. The students do research on a holocaust victim (I guess it was him) and read the story of the victim to family and members of the community. It’s pretty disgusting to see this sick old liar hanging out with tender young girls, filling their minds with horrible stories that have nothing at all to do with their lives. Yuk. The schools are responsible for pushing this unhealthy agenda.
On Tuesday, April 20, 2016, Joseph Hirt, who claims to be 90 though he’s only 86, now a resident of Lancaster County, told his emotional story of surviving the Holocaust to students at the Boyertown High School. He holds a photo that he claims is himself as a teenager, weighing only 60 pounds, sleeping on a stretcher in the Auschwitz concentration camp. And he tells the students that while in that condition he crawled under a fence, talked a German guard into letting him run away very fast before the guard could shoot him, then traveled to Yugoslavia to find his family. Yikes. Just how stupid are we supposed to be? What does this do to the minds of America’s youth who are told to respect and believe what he says?
Another picture of Hirt with that photo of a typhus victim at Dachau taken after the liberation, that Hirt tells his young audience is himself in Auschwitz in 1942, a victim of starvation! Why should young people be subjected to such gruesome images that will give them nightmares.
Holocaust “experts” like Deborah Lipstatdt, who took over from Ken Waltzer as the go-to person when frauds pop up (as I wrote about here), are only concerned about how it affects their precious and increasingly fragile Jewish myth. To them it’s sad only because it gives food for argument to “deniers.” They don’t care that schoolchildren are being lied to in their classrooms by speakers they’re told to view with reverence and awe. No, it’s not looked at that way. They believe that everything Hirt says did happen … just not to him. And this is what Hirt believes too, and how he justifies his lies. But I say it did not happen at all since most every surlievor is testifying to things that s/he may have heard about, but did not ever personally experience.
What does Deborah Lipstadt have to say about the outing of Joseph Hirt as a liar?
“The saddest thing is that it causes doubt about other survivors’ stories, which we know are true. The guy is a fake, is a fraud. Had people stopped to check the historical references he made it would have been clear that he was making it all up.”
Why then was it never clear to Lipstadt? As a “holocaust historian,” she has never questioned a single surliever story. Not a single one! She is only concerned with holocaust deniers.
Neither did Aaron Breitbart, a senior researcher at the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, ever look into Hirt’s story that he’s been telling for 15 years. Breitbart said:
“…you’re always going to find someone out there that makes up a story or embellishes a story.”
So what, huh? He added:
“Holocaust deniers, when they find a story that proves not to be true, they use it to deny the entire Holocaust,” he said. “Because you find one thing wrong, everything else is wrong, too.”
But wait. In Hirt’s story, a few things were discovered to be wrong, and it is agreed by all concerned that those crucial errors discredit his entire story. Why then does Aaron Breitbart say it doesn’t work the same with the official Holocaust narrative? Certain crucial errors should bring about the questioning of the entire narrative. The narrative has to withstand scrutiny in every part if it deserves to be believed. And it is the responsibility of those who claim themselves experts, like the Wiesenthal Center, Aaron Breitbart and Deborah Lipstadt, to police their own “industry,” yet they are absolute failures in this regard. The reason why is clear — they know the whole she-bang is a fraud that it is their job to keep propping up. They approve of people like Joseph Hirt and never question them unless they are forced to.
So kudos to Mr. Andrew Reid, a man who cares about the truth. I really hope that, along with following up on Hirt, Reid gets interested in some other surlievors and continues bringing the true facts to light. Be sure to read his report here.
Categories Featured | Tags: Andrew Reid, Auschwitz Tattoo, Deborah Lipstadt, Holocaust fraud, holocaust survivor, Joseph Hirt
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9 Comments to History teacher who outed holocaust fraudster Joseph Hirt calls for apology or criminal prosecution
by Klaus Borgolte
On June 14, 2016 at 4:28 pm
Good day Carolyn
Andrew Reid begins with: "Survivors of the Nazi death camps deserve unlimited sympathy for having had to endure the worst evils of humanity."
This sentence keeps the false Holocaust story very alive. To proof that a handful of persons are lying about their fate as Nazi victims does not change the worldwide perception, fueled by Anglo American (Jewish) media, that German people were a most evil brood – and probably still are.
Of course, Andrew Reid's engagement to bring out the truth, especially in a hostile and at times dangerous environment, deserves our respect.
Dear Carolyn, my comment above might sound harsh. I assure you I fully appreciate your commitment to the course of White people and the truth of a most misrepresented part of German history.
by Carolyn
On June 14, 2016 at 6:42 pm
Thanks Klaus – And remember "Rome wasn't built in a day."
Of course, Andrew Reid is NOT a Holocaust denier. He is not looking for trouble (a wise man – he has a career as a public school teacher and a family), but he is open to following where factual truth leads. As you say, he deserves respect … not just "our" respect, but everyone's respect.
by Carolyn
On June 14, 2016 at 6:56 pm
A news report from Ogdensburg, New York says that holocaust survivor fraud Joseph Hirt has admitted that the prisoner number he had tattooed on his arm belonged to someone else.
I guess he's not ready to come clean and ask for forgiveness. But I think he got worried about the possible Identity Theft charge. :-)
Note that Bernadine Schwartzentruber [a German name], president of the Adirondack Mennonite Heritage Association, said in a statement, “We are deeply disappointed with this development. Our hope and prayer is this unfortunate occurrence will not diminish the memory of the millions of innocent people whose lives were systematically destroyed by the brutal Nazi regime.”
by Klaus Borgolte
On June 15, 2016 at 6:17 pm
"Rome wasn't built in a day."
Great wisdom, but tell it a man who is 77 years old.
I do hope, that my grandchildren will wake up and participate in building a sovereign German state.
May the American people wake up and enforce their liberation.
by eah
On June 25, 2016 at 1:58 pm
by B. Holst
On June 27, 2016 at 2:10 pm
We have had our share of jewish “survivors” in Norway as well, always brainwashing young goyims into hating themselves for being evil blue eyed aryans that the world would be better of without; hence racemixing.
by Al Milligan
On July 4, 2016 at 5:13 am
Dear Carolyn, So one goes down another comes up to take his place. I thought as I read this, what if these guys, Hirt and Wiesel, actually believed their own narrative? For example, Herman Rosenbladt admits he lied but his lies were not really lies because he believed them in his heart:
This is the horror of horrors of 1984. It is these truthliars that justify killing innocent human beings. They victimize themselves in order to victimize others. But they don’t get it.
But as you said in another place people are not listening and they probably never will. It would mean that they too have been living a lie. This lie is too painful to admit. I was one of those. But I know there may be no redemption for this world but there is for the individual who becomes a thinking being. Thanks again.